Deposit request

My Deposit


If you choose a fast order when we provide an quotation, it will be automatically paid with a reloaded deposit. It will help you to process next step quickly and you can save an average of 12 hours.

* Coupon can not be applied to charge Deposit.

Deposit details

Request time Sortation Requested amount Approval amount Deposit balance Processing time Remark

Deposit refund

- Refund fee : %
- Basic fee : 0.00 USD [ 0 ]
- Minimum refund request limit : 10.00 USD [ 0 ]
Refund request
Refund account

Business License 108-32-62918 ㅣ CEO MinjungLEE
Address business incubation center, Bok Gi Kwan B6301,
wekeepsend, Yeongsong-ro 15, Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea
Affiliate & retail inquiries
Mobile(whatsapp) +821048899842
What We Do
Korea Warehouse
Buying Service
Offline Shopping
UAE &Global Shipping
Monthly Gift Pack

Deposit account information
