Start with
1 month
Free trial

Good starter

  • 1 box
  • No purchasing fee
  • Monthly gift pack of random samples

Best for social group

  • 9 boxes
  • No purchasing fee
  • Monthly gift pack of snack, beauty, hot items
  • Monthly activities of live classes, shopping, tour
  • Social group labeled posters/photocards
Let's get started!

Exclusively for seller

  • 9 boxes
  • Item-photos in professionally displayed
  • Seller shop labeled posters/photocards (unlimited)
  • Monthly online class about wholesaler& manufacturers or on demands
  • Seller assistance 24hrs (unlimited)
  • Multi-country dispatch (unlimited) no purchasing fee 15 pcs
Let's get started!

A must before Korea

  • Plan together for your needs
  •    hospital, leisure, shopping, beauty clinic, etc
  • Reserve together for Muslim oriented limo, hotel, restaurant
  • Trip together, local knows best
  • Luggage management with our warehouse
Let's get started!
Choose your membership
  •   Enjoy our one stop service
  •   Our client care is amazing
  •   You can always change or cancel the membership
  • Monthly Fee
  • Rent space
  • Purchasing Fee
  • Photo unlimited
  • Monthly gift pack
  • Monthly activity
  • Monthly poster
    / photocard
  • Free packing management
    for shipping cost saving
  • Local bank transfer
  • 40% offinternational
    delivery in UAE

  • $30
  • 1 box
  • Free
  • Normal
  • A pack

    Valued $700
  • $300
  • 9 boxes
  • Free
  • Normal
  • A pack
  • Online live
  • Social group labeled

    Valued $750
  • $300
  • 9 boxes
  • Free
  • Display for sales
  • A pack
  • Online live
  • Social group labeled
• Rent space one box size: 70cm horizontal *60cm vertical *51cm, height
• Contents of monthly gift pack could be different
• Fixed ship out fee: $19, 24, 29 respectively by size of box or $2 per item for small box, not exceeding $19
Business License 108-32-62918 ㅣ CEO MinjungLEE
Address business incubation center, Bok Gi Kwan B6301,
wekeepsend, Yeongsong-ro 15, Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea
Affiliate & retail inquiries
Mobile(whatsapp) +821048899842
What We Do
Korea Warehouse
Buying Service
Offline Shopping
UAE &Global Shipping
Monthly Gift Pack

Deposit account information
