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HOME > By Artist > J-Hope
Hope in the Box 1
354악세사리류(귀걸이, 목걸이, 반지 등) · Accessories (earrings, necklace, ring, etc.)
NO MA230216039712 354
Normal price 70,000 KRW
Unit price 70,000 KRW
Total Cost
J-Hope released a documentary about his first official solo album!
We will sell customized mistery boxes to celebrate J-Hope and his fans.

Limited Edition

: Feb 16th(KST) ~ Feb 28th
Business License 108-32-62918 ㅣ CEO MinjungLEE
Address business incubation center, Bok Gi Kwan B6301,
wekeepsend, Yeongsong-ro 15, Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea
Affiliate & retail inquiries
Mobile(whatsapp) +821048899842
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