[ Warehouse Notice ] A Spike of No-Data cases ( Effective on October 25th, 2023 ) > 공지사항 |
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[ Warehouse Notice ] A Spike of No-Data cases ( Effective on October 25th, 2023 )
Date 23-10-10 17:06   


Greetings, All.


Due to the increasing number of no data cases, we will be implementing the following policy, so please check in advance to avoid any inconvenience.

Effective on October 25th, 2023


Yallabox requires you to fill out an update tracking application when you place an order using our Korean address. 

Despite our continuous guidance, the number of no-data cases has increased dramatically, causing a lot of disruption to our operations. 

This is causing delays in processing requests for other customers. Therefore, we're imposing the following penalties.

▶ What is No Data?

This is when the packages have arrived at the client's warehouse, but the warehouse process is halted because the update tracking application is unable to confirm the matching tracking number.

Products categorized as No Data are moved to a special warehouse where only No Data cases are stored. They go through a separate warehousing process that requires a longer turnaround time. 

(Because normal cases must be processed before no-data cases, it takes 5 to 7 business days from the time the update tracking request form is confirmed)


▶ Penalties

No data cases slow down Yallabox's logistics processing. Therefore, in addition to processing delays, the following penalties will be applied

1) $1.5 surcharge for each no-data waybill ( effective on October 25th, 2023 )

2) Since no-data boxes are difficult to manage, they are always at risk of damage and loss.

Please fill out the update tracking request form after checking your no-data case on My Page, and fill it out as soon as you receive the tracking number after placing an order with a Korean address.


Business License 108-32-62918 ㅣ CEO MinjungLEE
Address business incubation center, Bok Gi Kwan B6301,
wekeepsend, Yeongsong-ro 15, Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea
Affiliate & retail inquiries info@wekeepsend.com
Mobile(whatsapp) +821048899842
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Korea Warehouse
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