[Buy for me] Refund Policy Announcement > 공지사항 |
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[Buy for me] Refund Policy Announcement
Date 22-05-16 12:13   


Dear valued Yallabox member, 

A refund will be issued to your deposit first when the item suddenly gets sold out. 

Please contact Yallabox CS center if you would like to issue the refund as the payment method that was used to pay for the order. 

Yallabox is announcing a Policy Change when it comes to Issuing refunds.

It has occurred a lot of back-and-forth dialogues and processing time when ordered items suddenly got sold out.

Yallabox will proceed with your refund to your deposit first and accommodate you when you request your refund payment as the method that was used to pay for it. 

We will be always so happy to assist you!

Thank you

Business License 108-32-62918 ㅣ CEO MinjungLEE
Address business incubation center, Bok Gi Kwan B6301,
wekeepsend, Yeongsong-ro 15, Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea
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