Change Of Instagram Business Name (Effective on May 16th 2022) > 공지사항 |
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Change Of Instagram Business Name (Effective on May 16th 2022)
Date 22-04-26 18:48   


Dear valued Yallabox member,


" To further our business development and match with our official website, we will make a change in our Instagram Business Name to yallabox from Wekeepsend. "

We are very excited to share the news regarding the evolution of our company and will be adjusted on the Instagram in two weeks ( after grace period ). Yalla box team are happy to let our members know that Yallabox's Instagram Business Name will be changed from Wekeepsend to Yallabox on May 16th 2022.

We would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for using Yallabox. Yallabox team strives to be your reliable Shopping partner.

Business License 108-32-62918 ㅣ CEO MinjungLEE
Address business incubation center, Bok Gi Kwan B6301,
wekeepsend, Yeongsong-ro 15, Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea
Affiliate & retail inquiries
Mobile(whatsapp) +821048899842
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Korea Warehouse
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