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Kimchi Exports Record Highest Performance and Trade Surplus



Kimchi Exports Record Highest Performance and Trade Surplus 


"Kimchi is Korea's representative food, and it is symbolic that the trade balance has been in the black for the first time in 12 years," he said. "We will discover promising Korean agricultural products and promote them overseas." The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said that kimchi exports have increased by 18 percent annually over the past five years, and the trade balance has continued to improve, turning into a surplus last year. 


The export target countries are also expanding from 61 countries in 2011 to 89 countries for 10 years, and kimchi, Korea's 

representative traditional food, is captivating the tastes of people around the world.


This achievement is the result of private efforts to increase the quality and safety of kimchi and the government's support to support it amid growing interest in health around the world after COVID-19 and the Korean Wave such as K-pop.

In addition, since last year, in order to inform young consumers abroad of the excellence and excellent texture of kimchi, kimchi 
sensory sound (ASMR) videos have been produced and promoted through various media such as social networking services (SNS). 


It plans to publicize the excellent quality and safety of only domestic kimchi to people around the world and promote various 
recipes (recipe) so that they can enjoy kimchi according to their local tastes. It also plans to expand the base of kimchi consumption 
by supporting the development of various types of kimchi processed food products using kimchi such as kimchi sauce. 

기사 출처 : 농림축산식품부 보도자료 

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