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Bibimmyeon : " I'll make it right!“




Bibimmyeon : " I'll make it right!“


As soon as BTS mentioned, "The amount of bibimmyeon is too small." 

Palso( the company that makes bibimmyeon ) responded as releasing 1.2-fold bibimmyeon limited-edition 


BTS (BTS)'s "coincident statement" said, "One is few and two is many". seems like it works! Paldo introduces a product that 

increases the volume of cup noodles by 20%.On Jan. 26, Paldo announced that it will release a limited edition of "Paldo Bibimmyeon 

Cup," which has increased its weight 1.2 times. 

The weight of instant noodle, which was 85g, increased by 17g (20%) to 102g, and 6g of liquid soup was added to match the increased amount of the instant noodle.

The soup mix ratio was applied the same as the bag so that the unique sweet and sour taste of bibimmyeon would not be lost.


Paldo produces and sells 1 million units without raising prices.

An official from Paldo explained, "We are also preparing a version that increases bibimmyeon pouch by 20%."The Paldo Bibimmyeon 

Cup has been known to fans around the world as BTS' "favorite food." 


BTS members ate or mentioned Paldo Bibimmyeon Cup several times on live broadcasts communicating with fans, and the Steak + 

Bibimmyeon Set, which ate steak and bibimmyeon together, was popular among global fans.At the end of last year, BTS member 

RM said on a live broadcast, "I've been eating (Paldo Bibimmyeon Cup) for three days, and I felt sick after eating two yesterday," 

adding, "I hope you pay 1.5 times because one is small and two are too much."


At that time, Paldo responded by saying, "We are developing a 1.2 times product because 1.5 times is impossible in process.“ 



Click the button below To buy Bibimyeon Noodles 


Written by Kwak Joo-hyun


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