Malbok: A Special Time for Korean Tradition and Health > CULTURE |
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Malbok: A Special Time for Korean Tradition and Health



Horseshoes and Nutrition: Healthy Eating in Nature  


South Korea is located between 33°N and 43°N latitude and has a climate with four distinct seasons.


In addition to the beautiful landscapes that change with the seasons, Korea also has a seasonal food culture.


One of them is 'Boknal’


Boknal is a day of eating meat and other nutritious foods to stay strong during the hottest days of the year between July and August. There are three Boknal days: the first, second, and last.


The last one is on August 10th.


One of the typical foods eaten on this day is 'Samgyetang'.


Samgyetang is a chicken dish made by stewing chicken, glutinous rice, ginseng, dates, and chestnuts.


The recipe is fairly simple considering the amount of ingredients it contains.


1. soak glutinous rice in water for about an hour

2. clean and gut the chicken.

3. stuff the chicken with garlic, glutinous rice, and your favorite seasonings and cross the legs to secure.

4. Bring the chicken, water, and remaining ingredients to a boil.


As with most comfort foods, it's high in calories to keep you energized and nutritionally sound with over 100 grams of protein.


Many people find it difficult to use chopsticks, but samgyetang is one of those foods that is eaten with the hands in Korea.


If you're feeling a little tired from all the fun you've been having in Korea, give Samgyetang a try.


Business License 108-32-62918 ㅣ CEO MinjungLEE
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